@Ler é um risco, arriscas-te?

The sudents were asked to search for an image, a quote or a small text that would be meaningful for them in terms of respect for the differences in our world. After choosing it, they would write a text about it on a padlet prepared for the purpose. Although, in the final work, only the text can be seen, the students had to comment, in English, three of the works prepared by their classmates. This shows the advantages of using a tool like padlet: the display of the works, the interaction promoted by the comments, the easiness of using image and text. In fact, it is a practical way of learning English.The students worked very enthusiastically and followed the instructions thoroughly. Besides being a topic of the curricula, the work would call students’attention to some situations, promoting this way a conscious citizenship.

The students, in pairs, were asked to research a situation of disrespect for a healthy environment anywhere in the world. They wrote a text decribing the situation as well as solutions for the depicted problem. First, they inserted information on a table with all the necessary elements to perform the last task: identification of the situation using a Google Earth project. The students worked with enthusiasm and followed the plan given to them. By doing this activity, the students learned English cooperatively and, at the same time, became aware of some environmental problems throughout the world and conscious that solutions are in our hands.

Ana Costa e Silva

2023_ MyVisionOfWorld de Clara Póvoa
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