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Technology and Fishing

“I crawled the Earth, but now I’m higher” Pearl Jam

In unit 3 of the English syllabus for the 10th grade “Amazing Tech”, the disquieting music video “Do the Evolution” by Pearl Jam served as starting point for a project work on the role of technology in human progress. Based on a case study on technological evolution in fishing. students were challenged to answer the question “Is technology alone a guarantee for progress?”. In a cross-disciplinary and inquiry based learning approach, students worked out a number of questions in their groups that would guide them through their research into modern fishing practices and their results. The project work consisted of a padlet on fishing practices, which served as a research diary, an argumentative text reflecting the research done and a final infographic, summarizing their work. Among the linguistic objectives were stimulating students to research in the target language, thus enlarging students’ vocabulary and reading abilities and providing them both structure (text organization and useful language) and meaningful context for writing practice.

Miguel Dias, professor da disciplina de Inglês

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